
Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today, as I have done so many times, for your enjoyment, I bring you more good stuff from our friends at PC World :

Ever wonder why program windows aren't transparent? AeroPeek fixes that. To use this freebie, click to activate it and then again to deactivate. Your open windows turn see-through, allowing you to see the desktop behind them. Of course, you can always tap Windows-D to minimize all open windows (then again to restore them), but what fun is that?
Note: This program is donationware. It is free to try, but the author accepts and encourages donations towards further development.
--Rick Broida

In order to download this interesting and useful easy to manage and free software, just click on the following address and puff, you are there:,78519/description.html?tk=nl_ddx_h_dlfeat


George Freire

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